Copied from someone on FB- a good summary of Syrian events: " Sure: last weekend there was a chemical attack in a rebel held city that was on the verge of succumbing to Assad allied forces. The Syrians say that the rebels gassed the city. The Rebels and Americans say that Assad gassed it. The Russians say Britain gassed it. Until Friday night, Britain said they didnt know who did it. Iran and Hezbollah say there was no gas attack. Canada says it isnt their business. On Sunday, Israel launched an airstrike in Syria. They used the confusion following the gas attack to strike at Iranian forces attempting to build a base of operations near their border. Friday night, the US and France launched their own airstrike. Britain decided that they knew who gassed the civilans after all, and joined the attack on Syria as well. 103 missiles were launched, destroying 3 chemical research facilities and inflicting no casualties or collateral damage. The operation was declared a success and military forces stood down - no regime change, no invasion. The Russians declared that they had destroyed 75% of the incoming missiles, evacuated the buildings, and saved countless lives. Their defense was declared a success and military forces have stood down - no regime change, no counter invasion. The Syrians declared that Assad had faced down the imperialist west, defended his people, and secured the legitimacy of his regime. Everyone involved has declared victory and kiiiinda sorta let things stand where they are."- Tito Warren

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